For The Arc Baltimore, 2023 was a year of significant impact and growth.
At the culmination of our strategic plan, which we developed four years prior, we celebrated the collective achievements that built our organization’s future through system transformation, investing in our talent, increased board engagement, and an infusion of our new mission and vision.
We successfully implemented the State’s new billing system, requiring a herculean effort across the organization and an expanded compliance team. Our compensation study led to competitive wages for all staff, including a new starting rate for direct support professionals, an increase of 63% over the last four years!
Fourteen direct support professionals participated in our Career Lattice program to earn higher wages and enhance their skills, while another group of staff graduated from our year-long Leadership Institute. We’re halfway toward training all our staff in a nationally recognized curriculum based on a set of principles that focuses on the needs of each person we support to help them live their best lives. Our DEI committee, with its three subcommittees—Culture, Pride, and Neurodiversity—continued to drive impact.
Our Community Employment Team helped over 50 people acquire new jobs, and those who receive our meaningful day services are out and about with friends, enjoying their shared interests now more than ever.
Staff from our Community Living department supported people in building connections with their neighbors and preparing for their dream vacation, ensuring they could make their homes their own. We engaged hundreds of families through direct financial assistance via our family fund, parent and sibling support groups, and providing resources and a listening ear.
Our New Hope for All advocacy group saw renewed excitement, electing new leadership and establishing monthly impact meetings. We encourage you to meet the New Hope for All members below, who reflect on the importance of advocacy and voting as powerful tools for change.
One in every nine voters identifies as having a disability, and their collective voice grows each year, influencing policies on healthcare, accessible and reliable transportation, staff wages, and employment opportunities. However, as evidenced by the statistics below, there is much more to do.
As we approach the upcoming November election, we urge you to exercise your right to vote. Let’s ensure that our nation’s democracy is inclusive of all and our voices are heard loud and clear, advocating for a world where all people are valued, their voices are heard, and their impact is felt.

Kathleen McNally Durkin
Chief Executive Officer

Erik Daly



When I joined New Hope for All, it helped me not to be shy and speak up for myself. In my leadership role, I want to coach others to advocate for themselves and help them talk to the world. I don’t want them to think they can’t. If you don’t speak up, people will never know what you need in life.
I’ve been to Annapolis multiple times to speak with our senators and delegates about the issues that are impacting people with disabilities. They need to know what is happening and hear it directly from us.
Tavon Jackson
President, New Hope for All


When you vote, it allows your opinion to be known. I vote because I want to ensure that Maryland continues to provide safe and reliable transportation options like Mobility for people with disabilities to go to work or visit friends and families.
Arthur Machesney
Member, New Hope for All


Yes, I am disabled, but I don’t want people to treat me like that is the only thing I am. Sometimes, people make assumptions about me when I haven’t said anything, or they think, ‘Oh, poor you!’ When people tell me I can’t do something, I always say, 'I can,’ whether I need help or can't. I still want the opportunity to try.
Always advocate for yourself, no matter what. I want everyone to know they have a right to say what they want. Don't let me or anybody stop you. Advocate!
People with disabilities need opportunities to learn how to vote, the steps needed to submit a regular or absentee ballot, and how they can get help when voting.
Valerie Smith
Vice President, New Hope for All


New Hope for All helps me, and I help them. I like this group. We talk about how important it is to speak up for your rights!
James Peddicord
Member, New Hope for All


It is important to advocate for yourself and your rights because it allows people to choose the support they receive or the type of education or job they want.
At our New Hope for All meetings, we discuss our staff and share suggestions on how to help our staff understand how to support us better. People share great ideas.
If anyone told me that they didn’t vote or didn’t want to vote, I would tell them that the right to vote is a privilege and encourage them to do it because it is important, and not everyone had the right to do it in the past.
Jenny Herrmann
Secretary, New Hope for All

President Erik P. Daly Fulton Bank
Vice President Tiana D. Wynn SB & Company, LLC
Treasurer Robbie Thompson Ernst & Young LLP
Secretary Marianne Bishoff Carter Machinery
Immediate Past President Thomas Sand Ernst & Young LLP
Darrin Brown McClung-Logan Equipment Co.
Larry Burley, Jr. BGE
Ericka N. Covington Coppin State University
Melissa Dabrowski Constellation
Gail Garland Heart of Life Services
Erik Moore Moore Wealth
Alicia Morgan-Cooper, M.D. Village Pediatrics
Paris Price MD Brand / Self-Advocate
Chris Schantz Northrup Grumman
Jill Vocci, O.D Pediatric Eye Care of Maryland
Tracy Voelker Self-advocate
Jenene Washington Renaye James Healthcare Advisors
Rico Winston Urban Development Group / Parent Advocate
Matthew Yancisin Alterwood Health, Inc.
Cash / Receivables | $27,856.0 |
Property and equipment (net) | 7,999.7 |
Other assets | 6,454.8 |
Total asset | $42,310.5 |
Total liabilities | $17,279.9 |
Net Assets | |
Without Donor Restrictions | 24,562.7 |
With Donor Restrictions | 467.9 |
Total net assets | 25,030.6 |
Total liabilities and net assets | $42,310.5 |
Government agencies | $40,177.4 |
Contracts and other revenue | 10,173.2 |
Public support | 489.8 |
Total support and revenue | 50,840.4 |
Program services | 42,643.3 |
Management and general | 5,714.8 |
Fundraising | 290.4 |
Total expenses | 48,648.5 |
Change in net assets from operating activities | 2,191.9 |
Endowment contributions | 121.2 |
Investment gain, net | 523.6 |
Gain on sale of property | 177.3 |
Change in net assets | 3,014.0 |
Net assets at beginning of year | 22,016.6 |
Net assets at end of year | $25,030.6 |
- 38% - Employment and Day Services
- 44% - Community Living Services
- 11% - Administration and General
- 7% - Outreach and Family Services
Each year the board of directors engages an independent certified public accountant to audit The Arc's annual financial statements. An unmodified report for the fiscal year 2023 was issued by the auditor and can be viewed on our financials page
The Baltimore Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brandenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Himelfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mays
Safeway Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sand
Scientific Plant Service, Inc.
Sephora (Tides Foundation)
The Campbell Foundation, Inc.
Total Wine & More
Blades & Rosenfeld, P. A.
Capital Services, Inc.
Chet and Dorothy Duke Charitable Fund
Mrs. Allison Coffey and Mr. Michael Ogrysko
Diligent Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Itzoe
The John J. Leidy Foundation
Lockton Companies, LLC
Mary K. Bryant Trust U/A
T. Rowe Price Matching
Mrs. Kathleen McNally Durkin and Mr. Brian Durkin
Mutual of America
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka
Susan G. Kuzanek Trust
The Jerome and Sonia Baum Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The Thomas W. Bradley Foundation, Inc.
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Advance Business Systems
ALFA Pharmacy
APG Federal Credit Union
Dimensional Health Care Associates, Inc.
Ernst & Young LLP
Fulton Bank
Lakespring Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Levinson
McClung Logan Equipment Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Morgan
Ms. Katy McGuire and Mr. Bayard Williams
Moore Wealth Inc.
RBC Foundation
RBC Wealth Management
Renaye James Healthcare Advisors
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rosner, Esq.
SB & Company, LLC
Ms. Janis Schlerf
Ten Oaks Homes
The MWE Partnership
Thomas Wilson Foundation
Mr. Robbie Thompson
Ms. Jenene Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Yancisin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Young
Anonymous - T. Rowe Price Employee
Mrs. Marianne Bishoff
Mr. Darrin Brown
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cannon
Carter Machinery
Centers For Behavioral Health, LLC
Mr. Russell Cipolla
Mrs. Sandy Clemens and Mrs. Melinda Maluga
Mr. and Mrs. Erik P. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Davison
Dr. and Mrs. Kirk Denicoff
Ms. Theresa Dockery
Mr. Christian Ehrhardt
Expense Reduction Analysts
Mr. William Fallon
First Maryland Disability Trust
Ms. Norma Johnson
Kaiser Permanente
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Inc
Liberty Discount Lawn Equipment
Mrs. Frances Macsherry
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger Institute
Maryland Print and Design, LLC
Mr. Paul Massaro
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Miles
Ms. Erin Montgomery
Dr. Alicia Morgan-Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nolley
The Propeller Club of Baltimore
Mr. Joseph Russo
Mr. Chris Schantz
Schmitz Press
Ms. Donna Sills, Esq. and Mr. Michael Sloneker
Steel & Wire Products Company
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Vocci
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Ward
Welch, Graham & Ogden Insurance
Ms. Tiana Wynn
Acme Paper & Supply Company
Ms. Meagan Andrade
Baldwin Law Group
Mrs. Kimberly Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Bullinger
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Burley Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Kathryn Caccamo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter
Chason, Rosner, Leary & Marshall, LLC
Mr. Chris Chewning
City Wide Facility Solutions
Ms. Janet Commarata
Ms. Joan Concannon
Ms. Amy Corbett
Dr. Ericka Covington
Mrs. and Mr. Chris Dabrowski
Mr. Stephen Dallmus
Ms. Gwen Davidson
Ellin & Tucker, Chartered
Exelon Foundation
Mr. Francis Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frattali
Mr. Thomas J. French
Ms. Gail Garland
Ms. Shirley Garrett
Ms. Jennifer Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Haga
Harbor East Dental
Mr. Gregory Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hook
HS Technology Group
Mr. and Mrs. James Hudak
Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc.
Knights of Columbus
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Knoerlein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lagas
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Leary
Mr. Daniel D. Leonard
Mrs. Tracy Machikas
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Mayer
Dr. and Mrs. Connor F. McBryde
Mr. Steve McLaughlin
Ms. Delores J. Mitchell
Mr. Babar Nawaz
Northrop Grumman
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O'Conor
O'Conor Mooney and Fitzgerald
Mrs. Susan Plitt
Ms. Rachel Protzman
Pugh & Tiller PR
Mr. Steven Rice
Mr. Peter Roehrig
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sfekas Esq.
Mr. Scott Shane
Mr. Scott Tabakin
Team Four Foodservice
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tucker
USI Insurance Services
Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, IV
Mr. Don Watts
Ms. Diane Westgate
Ms. Ashleigh Womer
Mrs. Eleanore Anuszewski
Mr. Richard Armbruster
Ascension Evangelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore County
AZO Kappa
Mr. Daniel Baird
Mr. Olusegun Banjo
Mr. Russell Bateman
Ms. Jill Bavis
Mr. Sylvester Bieler
Mr. Kenneth Boehl
Mr. William O. Boland
Boy Scout Troop #729
Mr. David Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Bradley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bradley, Sr.
Ms. Nancy Ann Brown
Mr. Timothy Burdette
Ms. Kim Burns
Mr. Brendan Byer
Ms. Regina Campbell
CFS Medical Supply Group
Mr. Parker O. Chapman, Jr.
Mr. George Ciscle
Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Becca Colangelo
Constellation Matching
Mr. James G. Corckran, II
Mr. Michael Daley
Mr. J. Paul Davignon
Mr. Donald L. DeVries, Jr.
Ms. Alicia L. Dickey-Lambert
Mr. Ronald Dilonardo
Mr. William Droms
Farmers and Merchants Bank
Mr. Jonathan K. Ferrell
First Financial Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald
Flagship Asset Services
Franklin & Prokopik
Ms. Barbara Freeman
Ms. Agnes Gathogo
Mr. William Gaudreau
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Geelhaar
George R. Ruhl & Son, Inc.
Ms. Leslie Godsey
Mr. Branden Grable
Ms. Michelle Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Leith Herrmann
Rev. Patricia Roop Hollinger
Mr. Neville Hook Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hope
Mr. and Mrs. Victor and Janice Ilenda
Mr. Douglas A. Kelso
Mr. Robert S. Killebrew, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klepper
Mr. Gerald Krieger
Mr. Thomas Kyle
Ms. Mary Anne Lacour
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lewis
Ms. Frances Logan
Ms. Ellen Lupton
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger Institute
Mr. William McCurry
Ms. Kimberly McGuire
Mr. Daniel J. Mellin Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell
Mr. Andrew Scott Morris
Ms. Kelsie Munch
Mr. Lee Murray
Ms. Virginia Naklen
Mr. Michael Nieberding
Mr. Denis O'Donovan
Mr. Timothy O'Donovan
Oak Contracting
Ms. Laura Owenson
Ms. Nasasha Parker
Petronelli & Castellano, Inc.
Ms. Mary Phillips
Mr. Ashton Poole
Ms. Tonya C. Queen
Adithya Rao
Mrs. Constance C. Reisig
Ms. Amanda Rice
Mr. and Mrs. M. Delmar Ritchie Jr.
Mr. Kenneth H. Roberts
Mr. James D. Russo
Mr. Jim Ryder
SC&H Group
Mr. Jeffrey H. Scherr
Sherwood Consulting LLC
Ms. Sandra K. Shifflett
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Singer
Smart Moves LLC
Mr. C. Peter Smith
Ms. Lisa Smith-Dennis
Mr. Adam Southwick
Mrs. Teresa Spurrier
Mrs. Terry Squyres
Mr. Marshall K. Steele
The Zenith
Mrs. Alyssa Thorn
Mr. John Vittori
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wagner
Mr. Eugene M. Waldron, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Ward
Ms. Powel Welliver
Mr. Stuart Williams
Mr. Bertram Winchester, III
Ms. Viola Woolums
Mr. Gerald Zaboski
Mr. John P. Abosch
Ms. Berlette Adesalu
Mrs. Hallie Allen
Mr. John Amato
Mr. Tracey Amos
Ms. Zaneni Amukele
Ms. Dreama Anderson
Ms. Lisa Andrews
GWWO Architects
Dr. and Mrs. Harold D. Banks, Ph. D.
Mr. Rudy Bazelman
Ms. Jennifer Becker
Mr. and Mrs. David and Kelly Bell
Mr. Peter Bigwood
Ms. Brenda Bodian
Mr. Stephen Boeckman
Dr. Daniel Broadwater
Mr. and Mrs. David and Jane Brodhead
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bryant, Jr.
Ms. Anne Burke
Ms. Nicole Campbell
Mr. Adolphus Carr
Dr. Karen Carroll
Ms. Dana M. Casparriello
Ms. Kathlyn Cathell
Mr. Chris Cocca
Ms. Annette Cook
Mr. Sean Cornelius
Mrs. Patricia Cosgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Georgianna Cover
Mr. Nelson O. Cropper
Ms. Mary Ellen Crowley
Mr. Gislin Dagnelie
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Davenport
Ms. Suzanne Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Davidson
Ms. Maya Davis
Ms. Tamara DeHaven
Mr. Todd Dickensheets
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Dillon
Ms. Sharon Dols
Mr. Paul Donoghue
Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Drebing
Ms. Carla Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Eberhardt
Eldorado Hair Replacement Center
Mr. Matthew Enekwe
Mr. Mark Erdman
Soni Erhie
Mr. Andrew Erman
Ms. Aubrenda Ervin
Ms. Joanna Falcone
Mr. Tom Fallon
Mrs. Mary Kate Federico
Mr. Daniel Fox
Mrs. Kimberly Francisco
Mr. Bernard Freiland
Dr. Andrew Gaddis
Mr. Peter Giacomini
Ms. Susan C. Gordes
Greater Baltimore Committee
Ms. Desney Green
Ms. Jennifer S. Gross
Ms. Jordana Guzman
Mr. Charles Haga
Mr. Edward C. Hammerberg
Harco Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartnett
Mrs. Rosemary Heiger
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Heinfelden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hemler
Ms. Charissa Higdon
Ms. Jeannie Howe
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hudak
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Huether
Mr. Frederick Hunsicker
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hurwitz
Mrs. Barbara A. Israel
Mr. Michael E. Johnson
Mr. Brian Kaminski
Mr. James Kammerman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keyser
Ms. Makea King
Mr. Frank Kirkland
Dr. Michael Knapp
Mr. Timothy Knapp
Knights of Columbus Council # 11615
Mrs. Angela Knox
Mr. Steve Koenigsberg
Dr. Susan Kozawa
Ms. Melissa Krafchik
Mrs. Judy Kuhar
Ms. Lori Lauver
Mr. Maurice Lazenby, III
Ms. Whitney Leber
Mr. Chris Lehman
Mr. E. Ray Leppo, Jr.
Mr. Ben Link
Ms. Meghan MacMillan
Mr. Andre Mahasa
Mr. Roger Mann
Dr. Becca March
Mr. Eric Marcus
MarketWise Solutions
Ms. Elaine Mayer
Ms. Diane McCarthy
Ms. Sherry McDonald
Mrs. Kristin McNees
Ms. Kristen Mellecker
Ms. Joan Mercer-Dunning
Ms. Meg Millard
Mr. Calvin Miller
Mr. Braxton Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mitchell
Ms. Pamela Montgomery
Mr. Erik Moore
Ms. Shabri Moore
Ms. Bobbi Mooring
Mr. Robert Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Mullan
Ms. Amanda Mummert
Ms. Martha Myer
Mr. Anthony Myers
Ms. Molly Myers
Number Ten Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Angie Obaza
Ms. Frieda Oursler
Mr. Olusola Owolabi
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Pecora
Ms. Ashley Peddicord-Austin
Mr. Paris Price
Mr. Robert Price
Princeton University Press
Ms. Theresa Quick
Mrs. Gina Ramsey
Mr. Stephen Reyes
Ms. Lisa Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Richards
Drs. Daniele and Karen Rigamonti
Mr. Brian Rigby
Ms. Ann M. Rudolph
Ms. Wendy Sala
Ms. Milicent Santos
Ms. Candace Saxon
Ms. Martha Schlenger
Mr. John Schofield
Ms. Lauren Seabolt
Mr. William Seymour
Mr. Nathan Shada
Ms. Elizabeth Shaner
Mr. and Mrs. Preston G. Shelton
Mr. Graylin Smith
Mr. Kegan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith
Mr. Kevin Smith
Mr. Michael P. Smith
Mr. Charles Solomon Jr.
Ms. Esther E. Spencer-Richardson
Mrs. Rachel St Amour
Mr. Mark Stodden
Mr. Walter Stone
Mr. Maury A. Sugarman
Mr. Terry Sullivan
Mr. Sean Sutherland
Ms. Barbara Sutton
Mrs. Patricia L. Taormino
Mr. Joseph Tassone
Ms. Senait Tekle
The Merck Foundation
Ms. Deborah Thomas
Mrs. Barb Thompson
Mr. Edward F. Tolzman Jr.
Mr. William Torbit
Towson Elks Lodge #469
Mr. Leo Umerley
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Vaeth, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitchell Vandiver III
Ms. Kathy Vecchioni
Ms. Tracy Voelker
Ms. Rita Wagner
Ms. Anne Watts
Mr. Todd Way
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Weiskopf
Mrs. Sheila Wharam
Ms. Jenny Wierschem
Mr. James Winston
Ms. Lois A. Witte
Mrs. Michelle Wohlwend
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Yancisin
Mr. David Yatzeck
Ms. Kathleen Young
Ms. Amanda Zinn
Ms. Raquel Adams
AmazonSmile Foundation
Mr. Joseph Anastasio
Ms. Teresa Bannister
Mr. Andrew Beiderman
Ms. Jennifer Beskid
E.J. Boatwright
Ms. Gail Bochniak
Ms. Carolyn Boyd
Ms. Elizabeth Brodie
Ms. Shania Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Broznowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Livina Brugman
Ms. Margaretta Callanan
Charity On Top Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cherry
Dr. and Mrs. Barry L. Cohan
Ms. Victoria Coleman
Ms. Brandi Coles
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Connelly
Constellation Energy
Mr. Al Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Cropper, Jr.
Ms. Julie Crosby
Ms. Antonia Cuesta
Mr. Cummins & Co Realty
Mrs. Joan M. Cutson
Barbara Daly
Linda DePalma
Michael Dipaola
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Dreese
Ms. Angela Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Rich and Terri DuVal Jr.
Eagle's Nest Country Club
Mrs. Paula Eastham
Ms. Christine Eberle
Mr. Kurt Eckhart
Ms. Susan Elias
Ms. Alenthia Epps
Ms. Linda Epps
Ms. Erin Ettenhofer
Donelle Ezekiel
Ms. Maria-Theresa Fernandes
Ms. Esther Figueroa
Mr. Matthew Fischer
Flagship Car Wash
Ms. Mindie Flamholz
Ms. Eileen Fleck
Mr. Barrett Foster
Fowler's Tavern
Karen Fratantoni
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Friel, Jr.
Ms. Vicki Gabriel
Mr. Mick Gast
Danielle Gipson
Ms. Sarva Girdhar
Give with Bing
Ms. Mary Grablick
Ms. Lori Graham
Ms. Laurie Gray
Ms. June Hairston-Staten
Mr. Matthew Hall
Ms. Patricia Halle
Mr. Charles Herndon
Hillendale Country Club
Ms. Camille Hinmon
Mr. Julian Hinmon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl Hossfeld Jr.
Melissa Howard
Mr. and Mrs. James Ingram
Mr. Brett Johnson
Johnson, Mirmiran, & Thompson
Angelina Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones Jr.
Mrs. Tammy Kaskel
Mrs. Isobel Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelleher
Ms. Doreen Kempa
Ms. Susan King
Mr. Dave Kirby
Mr. Neal Kitt
Mrs. Roslyn Klein
Ms. Valarie Klein
Ms. Gertrude Lawyer
Mr. Ronald Levendusky
Mr. Stephen Levitt
Ms. Beth Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Weerasak and Saleewun Limawararut
Mr. Theodore J. Lingelbach
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lisle III
Mr. Daniel Luckenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lynch
Ms. Meghan Mann
Aminata Mariko
Mrs. Dolores Mazan
Ms. Patricia A. McCloskey
Ms. Cordelia McIlwain
Ms. Faith McLuckie
Mr. and Mrs. Mike & Laura McMillen
Ms. Carly McWilliams
Ms. Diane Mick
Mid Atlantic Media
Ms. Lori Miller
Mr. Gary Mingleton
Mrs. Dianna D. Morgan
Ms. Margaret Mutungi
Ms. Vera Myers
Mrs. Ann M. Nettles
Mr. Michael Norris
Ariela Noy
Mr. Steven Ocone
Lavette Pack
Mrs. Katie Paff
Mr. Dave Peckoo
Todd Plajzer
Mr. Robert S. Prenger, Jr.
Mr. Ron Quinn
Ms. Carol Rabin
Ms. Elizabeth Raines
Ms. Lora Rakowski
Mr. Brendon Raraigh
Mr. Jamie Ratliff
Refocus Portrait Studio
Mr. Steven Rice
Mr. James Rittner
Ms. Marcy Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rosen-Queralt
Ms. Doreen B. Rosenthal
Mrs. Bridget Roth
Ms. Selma Rozga-Lean
Ms. Jane Rybka
Dr. Beulah Sabundayo
Luke Sartori
SC&H Group
Alanzo Scarlett
Ms. Tracey Scarlett
Ms. Olympia Scatliffe
Mr. and Mrs. G. Lewis Schaffner
Mr. Michael Schatzow
Mr. John Schech
Ms. Deborah Schelhause
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schleupner , Jr.
Mr. Greg Schnitzker
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Scott
Mr. Randall Scott
Ms. Beatrice Shaughnessy
Fitsum Shebeshe
Mr. Guy Shemtov
Shriver Hall Concert Series
Craig Simms
Ms. Marjorie Simon
Mr. Charles H. Sims
Mr. Gene Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith
Syeadda Spears
Ms. Natalie Spicyn
Ms. Mary Maas Stemler
Mrs. Sonya Sugarman
Ms. Alexandra Swain
Swallow at the Hollow
Ms. Kylie Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Beth Tober
Ms. Sue Todhunter
Mr. Richard Travia
Ayden Turner
Mr. James Valenti
Dr. and Mrs. Kristian and Kate Van de Voorde
Mrs. Renee Van Der Stelt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Kim Vanous
Vito Ristorante Italiano
Ms. Judith R. Volkman
Ms. Lisa Vuolo
Ms. Janice Walker-Emeogo
Mr. Kevin C. Walters
Ms. Julianne Ward
Mr. Josh Weinberger
Mr. Collin Wickes
Wiley Gunters
Ms. Arista Williams
Mr. Darryl R. Williford
Mrs. Ashley Willis
Mr. Benjamin A. Woods
Anonymous Work Place Campaign
Ms. Sarise Young
Ms. Anita Zellner-Kincannon
Zinnia Films
Mr. John Althoff
Mr. Joseph Anastasio
Mr. Albert and Mrs. Eleanor Anuszewski
Mr. Evelyn Barnett
Mr. Thomas Becker* and Mrs. Kimberly Becker
Ms. Theresa Bell
Mr. Sylvester Bieler
Mr. Christopher Brandenburg and Mrs. Jennifer Brandenburg
Mr. Jerry Bullinger and Mrs. Carol Bullinger
Mr. George Carter* and Mrs. Alice Carter
Ms. Allison Coffey and Mr. Michael Ogrysko
Ms. Janet Commarata
Mr. Michael J. Conelius
Mrs. Beverly and Mr. Roosevelt Cooper
Ms. Joan M. Cutson
Mr. Erik Daly and Mrs. Kristin Daly
Mr. James Daly and Mrs. Jane Daly
Mr. Robert Davison and Mrs. Sue Davison
Ms. Mildred Dreier
Mr. Chet A. Duke
Mrs. Kathleen McNally Durkin and Mr. Brian Durkin
Mr. Christian Ehrhardt
Mr. JK Ferrell and Mrs. Deana Ferrell
Ms. Shirley Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Harrison
Ms. Mary Scott and Mr. Gary Heinlein
Mr. Don and Mrs. Eileen Himelfarb
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Taber Hook
Rev. Patricia Roop Hollinger
Mr. John and Mrs. Jeanette Hudak
Mr. Bud Hurley and Mrs. Patsy Hurley
Mr. Joshua Itzoe and Mrs. Jessica Itzoe
Ms. Betty Krause
Ms. Loretta Letke*
Dr. Philip Levinson and Mrs. Winnie Levinson
Mr. James List and Mrs. Kimberly List
Mr. Neil MacDonald and Mrs. Robin MacDonald
Mrs. Frances Macsherry
Mr. Richard Mayer* and Mrs. Janet Mayer*
Mr. Ken Mays and Mrs. Louise Mays
Mr. Andrew McCullough and Mrs. Isabel McCullough
Ms. Katy McGuire
Mr. Anthony Moag and Mrs. Elizabeth Moag
Mr. Stephen Morgan and Mrs. Dianna Morgan
Mr. Edmond Nolley and Mrs. Marietta Nolley
Mr. William Olive and Mrs. Beth Oliver
Mr. Dominic Pecora and Mrs. Maureen Pecora
Mrs. Susan Plitt
Ms. Constance Reisig
Ms. Jean W. Rever*
Mr. James Rosner and Mrs. Patricia Rosner
Mr. Mel and Mrs. Janet Ruzicka
Mr. Thomas Sand and Mrs. Stephanie Sand
Ms. Donna Sills and Mr. Michael Sloneker
Mr. Thomas J. Shearin
Dr. David R. Shortle
Ms. Lois Speed*
Mrs. Terri Spurrier
Mr. Neil Stemler and Mrs. Mary Stemler
Mrs. Margaret Black Ulle*
Mr. Don Watts
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Barbara Wagner
Mr. Joseph Ward and Mrs. Laura Ward
Ms. Diane Westgate
Mr. Matthew Yancisin and Mrs. Susan Yancisin
Mr. Michael Young and Mrs. Barbara Young
Ms. Mary H. Afrookteh*
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Baum*
Mr. Sly Bieler
Gen. and Mrs. William C. Bilo
Ms. Kathleen Bormuth
Mr. Marvin G. Burris*
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Butler
Mr.* and Mrs. George F. Carter
Mr. Philip W. Chase, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Davison
Mr.* and Mrs.* Chester A. Duke, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen McNally Durkin and Mr. Brian Durkin
Mr.* and Mrs.* George W. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Evans
Ms. Marre F. Fanning*
Mr. Herbert Gibbs
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Glowacki
Mr. Thomas C. Goeb
Sister Vincentia Goeb*
Mr. Robert Goldstick*
Ms. Katherine Lambert Hays*
Mr. Rick Hook and Mrs. Taber Hook
Ms. Crystal Isaacs*
Mr. George Janssen*
Mr.* and Mrs.* Jerome G. Katz
Mr. Edward* and Mrs. Helen* Kauffman
Mr. Donald E. Kauffman*
Mr. Steven L. Lessner*
Mr. and Mrs. James A. List
Mrs. Edith M. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Macsherry, Sr.
Dr.* and Mrs.* Richard Mayer
Ms. Katy McGuire
Ms. Lori Miller
Ms. Marie L. Moore*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Morgan
Mr. R. Theodore Murphy and Mrs. Carla N. Murphy
Ms. Jeannette Myers*
Ms. Cecilia M. Nelson*
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond B. Nolley, Jr.
Mr. Sean O'Conor and Mrs. Stacy O’Conor
Ms. Margaret Palmere*
Mr. Mark T. Paré
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pritchett*
Mr. Dennis F. Rasmussen
Mr. Murray Reiter* and Mrs. Alyce D. Reiter*
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rosner, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sand
Ms. Virginia W. Safranek*
Ms. Mary E. Scott and Mr. Gary Heinlein
Mr. Christopher Adam Serio*
Mr. Harry R. Shriver, Jr.*
Ms. Donna M. Sills, Esq. and Mr. J. Michael Sloneker
Mr. James Howard Southers
Ms. Kathleen Sweeney
Mr. Robert Sweeney*
Mrs. Margaret Black Ulle* and Mr. Wilbur Ulle*
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Laura Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winterling, Jr.
Ms. Patricia White* and Elizabeth Goeke*
Mr. Eugene H. Wood, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Yancisin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Young
* Deceased
Chris B. Mayer Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Kirk and Andrea Denicoff
Mr. and Mrs. Randall and Stacie Mayer
Macsherry Fund
Mrs. Frances Macsherry
Dr. and Mrs. Connor and Karrie McBryde
Ms. Doreen Rosenthal
Mrs. Ellen Callegary and Family
Dr. Kenneth Greene, M.D.
Ms. Sandy Anuszewski
Ms. Delores “Dee” Svehla Arrington
Mr. Thomas Becker
Mr. Stephen Bubel
Mr. Wayne Ciampaglia
Mrs. Jayme Cohn
Ms. Debra Ann Egerrton
Mrs. Miriam Fine
Mr. Lewis John Gorsuch
Mr. Anthony Jankowski
Mrs. Yvonne Richards
Mrs. Nadine Schott
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you feel there is an error, please contact our Development Office at 410.296.2272 x5220